CrossRoads Youth

Now Accepting Applications

Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology is now accepting applications for its one-year Certificate program in Youth and Young Adult Ministry and Leadership (CYML) for the 2023-2024 academic year. This program is designed as a post-college year of graduate study of theology, work-study within the CrossRoad and Telos ministries, and training in key leadership skills. Applications are received and reviewed on a rolling basis.


If you are interested in applying for the 2023-2024 program or have any questions, please fill out the inquiry form below. The Certificate program consists of 18 credits of graduate-level academic work with a work-study component. Students take courses while simultaneously participating in a work-study that focuses on one particular aspect of ministry. The work-study is conducted through the CrossRoad Summer Institute or Telos Project, giving participants intensive, mentored training while they deepen their theological knowledge and spiritual formation. Due to generous funding, several full-tuition scholarships are available.

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Designed For You

A Certificate in Youth and Young Adult Ministries is specifically oriented toward those who are interested in..

  • Serving

    Serve as a youth director, youth activities coordinator, or administrator in your parish, diocese or metropolis.

  • Taking a Year Off

    Take a break and study the Orthodox faith tradition while also training to be an excellent volunteer leader with Sunday school, GOYA, camps or mission work.

  • Exploring Vocation

    The certificate is an optimal combination of theological learning and service and will help you discern where God is leading you in both the near and long term.

  • Gaining Experience and Knowledge

    Develop your skills by serving as a CrossRoad Summer Institute staff member, helping with administration, photography/media, and communications.

  • Deepening Theological Knowledge

    This program gives participants the opportunity to expand their understanding of Orthodox theological tradition while learning to mentor and engage our young people through a year of transformative service and learning.

Finances and Timeline

Thanks to a generous donor, several full-tuition scholarships are available for new students accepted into the Certificate program. All work-study assignments are paid, and each student will earn at least $4,500 over the year; this funding can help defray housing and out-of-pocket expenses.

  • The Certificate program will begins every September and January.
  • Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis until the program is full. Finalists for the program will be interviewed.
  • Students may live either on or off campus. Different living situations will influence your ability to participate in program offerings. We would love to communicate about which living situation might be best for you!
    View on-campus room and board cost schedule.
Man doing finances
Spyridon Cotsidis

This beautiful opportunity in the Certificate in Youth and Young Adult Ministry and Leadership really does mean the world to me. It has provided me with the chance to obtain knowledge and a real passion for my faith in addition to helping me discover my purpose in my life.

Spyridon Costidis

Ocean Township, NJ

We have been studying material that we would never have otherwise learned about in any other setting. We are discussing present-day trends that affect our youth and learning how we can process these challenges through the lens of the Orthodox Faith.

Demetra Zouzas

Lowell, MA

Demetra Zouzas

Guaranteed Paid Work Study


Certificate students are guaranteed a paid part-time work-study. While these roles vary depending on applicants’ interests and strengths, below is a short list of traditionally offered positions. Please inquire about any of these areas or others when you apply.


Each work-study assignment will be closely supervised and students will be given regular feedback on their progress and learning. Students will be required to participate in a year-long training on youth/young adult leadership. Additionally, each work-study assignment will include an applied project requiring the integration of theological learning and practical training.

Work Study Areas

CrossRoad Program Staff

Students admitted into this track will begin training in the fall, then serve on staff for three summer sessions. Over the course of the academic year, students will receive training in topics such as American culture and teen spirituality, best practices in youth ministry and theological education, and Orthodox theological perspectives on vocation. Students will develop essential leadership and mentoring skills that are broadly applicable.


Students in this track will focus on the effective administration of youth programs with an emphasis on program coordination for CrossRoad, assisting with all logistical and administrative tasks to ensure that the program runs smoothly. Students will gain experience in project management, event coordination, and task management.

Development and Fundraising

Students admitted to this track will receive training in Development/Professional fundraising to support the sustainability and expansion of effective youth programs. This track also focuses on educating young people about the significance of generosity and gratitude. If you are passionate about professional fundraising, networking, marketing, and communications, then this track is the ideal choice for you.”

Photography and Media

This track will focus on photography, marketing, and media advertising by capturing and sharing CrossRoad initiatives, with an emphasis on CrossRoad Summer Program and Telos. During the academic year, students will handle photography for CrossRoad events and manage CrossRoad's social media accounts. During the summer, they will serve as the primary photography/media work-study staff for the three Cross Road sessions.

Telos Communications

Students in this track will focus on communications and marketing for the Telos Project. They will assist in curating and creating content for the Telos website, social media and other outlets based on the findings of the Telos teams; assist with photography and story capture for Telos events, including the annual conference; draft a bimonthly newsletter for project stakeholders; and coordinate and edit the biweekly podcast.

Telos Center Outreach

Assists at the Telos Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts maintaining social media, assisting in website development, creating advertising and outreach content, and hosting event initiatives for young adults. In this area, interns with a self-starter spirit should have a preference for working directly with young adults to innovate ministry offerings.


Study in Boston

Earn your certificate while studying at our 52-acre hilltop campus overlooking the Boston skyline. Spend your weekends exploring Boston’s numerous historic sites, parks and outdoor recreation opportunities, or even take a short day trip to the many beaches in the area.

Academic Program

The Certificate is 18 credits of graduate-level academic work with a work-study component. Students will begin with the HCHC academic calendar while simultaneously taking part in a work-study that focuses on one particular aspect of ministry. By the end of the program, students should be able to demonstrate a basic familiarity with Orthodox theology and history; articulate a framework for how Orthodox thought and life will guide their own personal lifelong spiritual and vocational growth; and think theologically and critically about the Orthodox Christian tradition, both historically and within the contemporary Church and society.

  • Fall

    Orthodox Christianity 1.5cr.
    Introduction to New Testament 3 cr.
    Church History 3 cr.
    Religious Education 3 cr.
    Total 10.5 credits
  • Spring

    Orthodox Christianity 1.5 cr.
    Youth Ministry 3 cr.
    Church History II, OT - Psalms or Approved Elective 3 cr.
    Total 7.5 Credits

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Contact Us

For more information fill out the inquiry form and one of our staff will be in touch with you soon. If you need to speak with someone sooner please contact the Director of Enrollment Management.

Bruce Beck, ThD

Enrollment Management

(508) 868-9886