Explore the Ecumenical movement

Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Enroll in an accredited course offered by the faculty of Holy Cross in partnership with the Huffington Ecumenical Institute at HCHC on The Ecumenical Movement - the Sources. Join Professor Rev. Protopresbyter Nicolas Kazarian as he outlines the boundaries of Ecumenism and discusses its challenges for contemporary Orthodoxy.


Course Description

The Ecumenical Movement that started in the second half of the 19th century does not constitute an ideology, but rather reflects the authentic commitment to reconcile divided Christians in the unity of the Church and the reality of communion. Throughout the past century, the quest for Christian unity has assumed many shapes and forms that may be studied through major documents produced along the history of the 20th century and beyond.


Accreditation and Format
  • 3 credits
  • In-person and online, synchronous
Admission Requirements:
  • Complete the Course Application that collects contact information. Fill out the inquiry form to receive the link to the application.
  • A recommendation letter.
  • The most recent academic transcript (unofficial).
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